If you ask 10 cold plunge lovers for the best temp for cold plunge, the chances are you’ll get at least 5 different answers.
The right temperature for a cold plunge is one of the most discussed topics in the cold plunge industry.
Therefore, in this article, we’ll clarify the best temperatures for beginners and seasoned cold plunge lovers, but also other things you should pay attention to have a safe and beneficial cold plunge session.
What is the Best Temp for Cold Plunge?

The best temp for a cold plunge is between 55 to 70 Fahrenheit degrees. This gives you a great range to slowly adjust to the cold without sacrificing the benefits of a cold plunge.
We find it to be a great starting point for beginners as well, as you work up the length of your cold plunge sessions.
When you get used to the cold plunges and if you feel like you can handle and benefit more from colder temperatures, you can think of slightly lowering the temperature. The recommended temperature for experienced people ranges between 40 to 50 Fahrenheit degrees.
While many believe starting with a low temperature helps get used to the cold water quicker, that’s not quite true.
Starting with a temperature that’s too low can cause discomfort or even send a beginner's body into shock.
A minimum temperature is appropriate for people who have experience with a recommended cold plunge temperature range. Still, it might not be suitable for every individual, so that’s something to keep in mind.
If you need to experience milder temperatures than the recommended range, we highly recommend doing so. This will prepare you for colder temperatures without leading to problems or ruining the experience of cold plunging to benefit your body and mind.
How Cold is Too Cold for a Cold Plunge?
For some people, going below 55 Fahrenheit degrees will be too cold. Some might even have to take a while to work their way to the recommended range of between 55 to 70 Fahrenheit degrees.
On the other hand, some people won’t have issues with the recommended bottom range temperature of 40 degrees (for people with cold plunging experience).
Staying in the recommended temperature range and working the way to it will occupy most people. But if you feel like you’re closer to the lower bottom of the range temperature, you can try and experience lowering your temperature, aiming for a range of 40 to 50 Fahrenheit degrees.
But a cold temperature that’s too cold is anything less than 40 Fahrenheit degrees, and for some individuals, this can be anything below 55 Fahrenheit degrees.
Keep in mind that a lower temperature might not bring more benefits, and in fact, it could lead to serious issues.
While there are recommended temperatures for a cold plunge, it’s important to note that there aren’t many official case studies that show the most ideal cold plunge temperature.
We highly recommend listening to your body and judging the best temperature for yourself.
Downsides of Very Low Cold Plunge Temperatures
Cold plunges affect circulation so immersion in extremely cold water that your body can’t handle can lead to heart issues.
The biggest downsides of very low cold plunge temperatures can even include irregular heartbeat. Some people don’t even experience an irregular heartbeat during the soak yet after getting out of the cold plunge tub.
In rare cases, extremely cold plunge temperatures can lead to a heart attack.
Therefore, it’s always safer to stay on the safe side and listen to your body. If you can’t handle the lower range of the recommended temperatures, stick to the higher temperatures or even start with higher temperatures.
According to Heracle Wellness, some people should avoid temperatures below 50 Fahrenheit degrees as they could be more intense on certain individuals.
Some people have a lower tolerance for cold temperatures, so it’s important not only to endure the coldness of a cold plunge but also to start slowly and respect your body’s tolerance. Even if that means you might have to work your way towards the recommended range of cold plunge temperature.
What Benefits Do Cold Plunge Temperatures Offer?
Lowering the temperature of your cold plunge can increase the benefits of a cold plunge. However, we only recommend doing so when you’ve had experience with the recommended cold plunge temperature range and you feel confident your body’s tolerance is good enough.
Lower cold plunge temperatures:
- Boost metabolism
- Improve sleep
- Boost athletic recovery
- Boost immunity
- Help with sore muscles
- Boost mood
- Reduce inflammation
- Improve circulation
- Help with muscle recovery
Cold plunges can also help reduce swelling, which is super helpful for people who have had recent injuries.
It’s important to note that cold plunge can help relieve mental stress and improve immune system function. We need to remind you that more research needs to be done, but these are all of the most common benefits people experience with the cold plunge.
However, to stay on the safe side, don’t push your body to the max and force yourself to handle colder temperatures. Instead of experiencing benefits, this might lead to frostbite or hypothermia.
If your body has a lower tolerance level for colder temperatures, ensure you start slowly and protect your hands and feet by slowly building up the time you spend during each cold plunge session.
While there is a recommended cold plunge temperature, while we highly recommend you to take it into consideration, you should also listen to your body.
Everyone’s an individual and everyone’s body works differently, so what works for one person might not work for you.
If you’re new to cold plunging, start slow and work on gradually building up the time you spend in a cold plunge tub. At the same time, start with the higher range of recommended temperatures before lowering the temperature of the water.
Remember that staying safe will always keep you healthy and bring more benefits while preventing potential issues that a cold plunge can do to you.
This is also something we highly recommend you explain to all your clients as you guide them on using the cold plunge and setting up the best temp for cold plunge.