What is the Best Time to Cold Plunge - The Cold Plunge Store

Did you ever wonder why some people plunge into ice-cold water to kick-start their day?

Is there the best time to cold plunge or does it only depend on your personal preference?

We’re sure you’d like to maximize your benefits so knowing that the time of day when you choose to do it can influence the results you experience.

In this article, we’ll show you the best times to cold plunge based on your goals, lifestyle, and your preferences. We’ll also help you create a routine that will fit both your goals and your lifestyle, so you can maximize your benefits with each cold plunge you take.

What is the Best Time to Cold Plunge

Choosing the right time isn’t only about convenience, but it’s also about how it can impact your body and mind.

Everyone has different reasons and goals. Whether you’re looking to recover after a workout, improve your energy, or wind down after a long day - the timing will play a critical role.

However, you should keep in mind that what works for one person might not work for another. This is why your daily routine, preference, and fitness level also matter.

One of the most optimal times that’s considered to be the best time to cold plunge is morning. Cold plunge is a great way to wake up your body and synchronize your circadian rhythm’s start phase.

One thing we’ve heard from many cold plunge enthusiasts who prefer morning cold plunges is that a sudden start to their day makes it easier to wind down at the end of the day.

However, before you start jumping in the cold plunge tub in the mornings, there are a few factors to consider:

  • Your goals - are you aiming for faster muscle recovery, improved focus or better sleep?

  • Daily routine - what cold plunge time aligns best with your day?

  • Environmental factors - do you like to take your mornings easy or do you prefer chill evenings?

While morning might be an ideal and optimal time for a cold plunge, if you aren’t feeling it - that’s okay. That’s why we recommend considering all times in a day before making the choice.

Cold Plunge in the Morning

Cold plunging in the morning is a popular choice for many as it acts as a natural way to wake up your body and mind, letting you start your day energized.


According to Nordic Ritual Spa, a morning cold plunge makes a great alternative to caffeine for starting the day.


The shock of water triggers an adrenaline rush, which is what gives you the feeling of your body waking up after a good night’s sleep. It also activates the nervous system for alertness, which leads to the second benefit, which is the elevated mood.

Cold plunge releases good hormones that reduce stress and improve positivity, but there are also many physical benefits too like promoting better blood flow once the body warms up again after a good cold plunge session.

If it’s a good fit for your routine, we highly recommend it to people who struggle with morning grogginess or low energy levels. It’s also a great fit for people who want to improve and build their mental resilience, ensuring they start a day with intention.

However, we also recommend you start with lukewarm water if you’re new or don’t feel like you can handle it right away early in the morning.

Cold Plunging After a Workout

You could see athletes and fitness enthusiasts cold plunge after a workout. The reason for this is that a cold plunge after a workout helps recover muscles faster by reducing inflammation and muscle soreness.

However, if you’re doing a cold plunge right after a workout, it’s important to pay attention to the timing.

Experiencing a cold plunge session after you’ve warmed your body with a good workout can help you:

  • Reduce muscle inflammation

  • Reduce soreness

  • Speed up recovery

  • Decrease muscle fatigue

  • Improve mental recovery

That’s why an ideal timing should be 30 minutes or longer after you finish a workout, but never right away after a workout (no matter how tempting it might be).

A reason why a cold plunge after a workout makes sense goes back to the benefits of hot and cold therapy, where alternation between the two can add a boost to recovery.

Cold Plunge in the Evening

Cold plunge in the evening offers a calming effect and a calming end to a busy day. People who cold plunge in the evening get to experience a high focus on relaxation and stress relief, compared to energizing the body from a morning cold plunge.

That’s why we highly recommend an evening cold plunge to people who want to improve their sleep and simply decompress.

Evening cold plunge can help promote relaxation by calming the nervous system and even reducing cortisol levels (which is known as a stress hormone).

Such benefits are tied closely together so you can also experience lower body temperature that signals the body it’s time to rest. This is ideal for people who have issues falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night.

Lastly, the evening cold plunge can also act as a mindful practice that allows you to let the day’s tension and put an end to the long day.

One thing we highly recommend paying attention to is the timing. You want to cold plunge an hour or two before bed, instead of cold plunging right before bed.


Cold plunge offers versatile advantages and benefits, whether you prioritize it in the morning for a fresh start, enjoy the benefits of post-recovery after a good workout, or the calming effects in the evening.

While morning might be ideal for most people, it’s important to listen to your body and understand what feels best for you.

We also believe you should ensure that a cold plunge session fits well into your schedule, daily routine, and goals.

Paying attention to how your body reacts to a cold plunge at different times of the day is also a great way to find out the best time to cold plunge for your body.


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